European sharing of non-formal and informal learning
Lifelong Learning Programme
Grundtvig Learning Partnership
− Assessment, certification, valuing learning
− Co-operation in the area of transparency instruments in VET
(ECVET, EQF, Europass)
− Recognition of non-formal and informal learning
− European citizenship and European dimension
S.V.E.P. Servizio Volontariato Emilia of Piacenza is an organization that was set up in 1996 by a group of voluntary service associations. S.V.E.P. is enrolled to the registry of the voluntary service of Emilia Romagna Region in Italy. Since 1997, S.V.E.P. rules the Service Centre for Volunteering of Piacenza.
These Centres, instituted by law, distribute performances in favour of voluntary service associations.
In particular:
a) We prepare instruments and initiatives that aim at the growth of culture of solidarity, the promotion of voluntary service associations activities.
b) We offer qualified advice and assistance.
c) We organize non-formal and informal learning opportunities for young and adult volunteers, through training courses, social projects and experiences in
voluntary service associations.
d) We offer information, news and documentation about the activities of local and national voluntary service
e) We help the fulfilment of voluntary service associations projects.
The project aims at an overall comparison/exchange of good
practices at European level on adult non-formal and
informal learning and in particular:
- on training programs implemented to support active ageing, in the perspective of maintaining the rights of citizenship (because illiteracy often prevents effective use of services and a conscious participation in social and political life);
- on procedures for accreditation of organizations working for adult non-formal or informal learning;
- on procedures for recognition and certification of skills acquired.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to identify those organizations that operate in the defense of the rights of citizenship in the elderly population and the methods adopted, in order to make a comparison and a transfer of knowledge, and identify any useful moments for future cooperation;
- to analyze the teaching, didactics, organizational and political aspects, in different Countries involved in the project;
- to develop rules for the certification of non-formal and informal skills acquired;
- to identify procedures for the accreditation of organizations that provide training for adults/seniors;
- through the comparison of their training models, to be able to reach a kind of "European procedure" as a contribution to the European Year of Citizens.
Our idea of a learning partnership focuses on the management of adult non-formal and informal learning in order to provide trainers and administrative staff, the opportunity to exchange experiences and information and to develop new educational and organizational systems. The participation of learners is not provided; for Italy we expect from 12 to 23 mobilities.
Main activities of the project are:
• Partner meetings and seminars between all institutions involved in the Partnership
• Exchanges of staff involved in project activities
• Exchanges of experience and good practice, by all appropriate means and in particular using information and communication technology (e.g. websites, e-mail, videoconferencing)
• Sharing experiences with other projects in related subject areas and with other institutions in the region
• Self-evaluation activities
• Dissemination of project experience and outcomes
2 years; from 01/08/2013 to 31/07/2015
The table below shows the maximum grant amounts valid for the period 2013-2015, based on the number of planned mobilities.
The actual amounts awarded vary from country to country, so each partner should consult the National Agency in your country.
From 4 to 7 mobilities
15.000 €
From 8 to 11 mobilities
17.500 €
From 12 to 23 mobilities
24 mobilities and more
(of which at least 16 different adult learners)
Organizations working for adult non-formal and informal learning in the following European countries: France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark.
21 February 2013
Giacomo Gnocchi – Elena Menta
S.V.E.P. – Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato Piacenza
Via Capra 14/C
29121 Piacenza