Location: Pisa, Italy
Dates: 4-15 April 2016
Website: www.hscr.sssup.it
Background and nature of the course
The volatility and complexity of conflict and post-conflict scenarios pose unprecedented challenges to health workers – both national and international – who are called to rehabilitate the physical and human health infrastructures. Lack of properly prepared professionals in this field has often resulted in reconstruction efforts characterized by weak analysis, little understanding, inadequate planning and poor implementation.
This Training Course intends to fill this gap as it aims to:
Introduce participants to the main features of conflict-ridden environments;
Identify and discuss the main features of health systems during protracted crises and recovery processes, and the most common distortions plaguing healthcare provision.
Analyse and reflect upon the challenges faced by health actors in countries affected or recovering from a conflict;
Introduce participants to recovery processes, to the dangers they pose and to the opportunities they provide for correcting long-standing distortions and creating more efficient and fair health systems;
Familiarize participants with the existing literature in this field and stimulate their interest in conducting further research.
The Course is taught in English. It is intensive in nature and demands from participants a pro-active attitude. Interaction with the trainers is encouraged through the use of case studies and practical exercises. Ample space is devoted to testimonies and reflections drawn from the personal experience of trainers and trainees. Participants will conduct an in-depth analysis of a distressed healthcare arena through the study of selected documents and group work. The study materials revolve around a variety of troubled countries, which include Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Myanmar, Palestine, Somalia, the Former Soviet Union, South Sudan, Timor Leste, Yemen. An exploration of the existing literature will complement each training session. Participants will receive a rich portfolio of key selected documents.
For further info on aims, contents, and methodologies please check the Course brochure.
Who can apply
The Course focuses on health issues, but it is open to professionals from other disciplines. Applicants must have a university degree or the equivalent of 3 years of relevant working experience. They must have a sound working knowledge of English.
Application deadline: 21 March 2016
How to apply: Applicants shall submit their application on-line at www.sssup.it/HSCR2016/domande/
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Accepted applicants will be informed within two weeks from the moment of the submission of their application. Unless all places are taken earlier, the final deadline for application is the 21th of March 2015. The online application requires a registration and login procedure (including the creation of a “User ID” and of a “Password”).
You will find additional information about the Selection Process in the Call for Applications that we suggest you to read carefully.
Course fee:
1.500,00 (one thousand five hundred) Euro for participants sponsored by any organization or their employer.
1.200,00 (one thousand two hundred) Euro for self-sponsored participants.
The cost includes tuition fee, reference material and lunch on class days. Participants are required to make their own arrangements for accommodation, travel and visa (a list of possible accommodations will be made available). Prospective participants may apply for the full or partial waiver of the tuition fee by explaining their request on the application form
For any additional information:
HSCR Course Secretariat
via Cardinale Maffi, 27
56127 Pisa (Italy)
tel: +39 050 882 655
Website: www.hscr.sssup.it
Prezi presentation: http://prezi.com/njcus_ybp-as/health-systems-through-conflict-andrecovery