
The Social services Agency of the Province of Lodi (Lombardy Region) is interested to get in touch with project leaders or with consortium in Europe in order to participate to the Daphne Call - Action grants to support transnational projects to combat sexual harrassment and sexual violence against women - JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/SEXV with deadline 13th october 2015.

The Agency (it represents 62 local municipalities) manages the strategic planning tool called "Piano di Zona" which aims to realize an integrated systems of measures and social services into Lodi area.

"Piano di Zona" has functions in the sector of the organization, coordination and assessment of educational and social services.
These duties are practiced through:
- system services and economic planning
- development of technical proposal to create social services network
- introduction of a social quality approach

The aim of the Agency is:
- to be involved in an international project in order to share its experiences and knowledge in managing social tools with partners;
- to develop actions to educate children (boys and girls), young people, men and/or women to prevent sexual harassment and/or sexual violence in these contexts by bringing about attitudinal and behavioural changes with regard to gender roles, stereotyping and sexualisation.

For more information about the Agancy and the strategic tool, please see the attached file.

Deadline of the partner search: 25th September 2015

The partner search is addressed to all private or public organizations wich are already planning to present a project in the contest of this Daphne Call (Universities, Research Institutes, Public Authorities, third sector organizations as associations or cooperatives, etc..)

We ask you to be so kind to disseminate the partner search among your local and regional contacts.

For further information and contacts:

Donatella Barberis
Azienda speciale consortile del lodigiano per i servizi alla persona
Piazza Mercato 5,
26900 Lodi (Italy)
Tel. +39 0371 409412

Piano di Zona is a strategic planning tool which aims to realize an integrated systems of measures and social services into Lodi area. Its authorities are constituted by 62 municipalities of the Province of Lodi, AziendaSpecialeConsortiledelLodigiano per iservizialla persona (consortium of Municipalities) has been appointed as lead body. In particular, Piano di Zona has functions like organization, coordination and assessment, in the field of educational and social services. These duties are practiced through:
- system services and economic planning
- development of technical proposal to create social services network
- introduction of a social quality approach

Planning functions are headed up by political bodies, Mayor Assembly and Piano di ZonaInstitutional group, with technical support of Ufficio di Piano and Technical Group.

Mayor Assembly is composed by tha mayors of all municipalities of Lodi province and it has the following tasks:
- Appointing 3 Districts Presidents
- Monitoring the achievement of Piano di zona objectives
- Updating annual priorities coherently with the triennial plan and the available resources
- Ratifying economic and financial plan

Piano di Zona Institutional group is constituted by: Mayor of Lodi, 3 Districts Presidents, one mayor for each District, Province president, Presidents of AziendeSpeciali (affiliated companies), Caritas Director, a delegate of Third sector, a representative of Lodi School District.
It carries out specific functions:
- Coordinating management and organizational decisions on the political level
- Monitoring the implementation of measures
- Evaluating technical proposals of Ufficio di Piano

Technical Group is the operating arm of political bodies above mentioned and it has the task of microplanning. Technical group is coordinated by Ufficio di Piano Manager who works side by side with Social Services Directors.

Finally, Ufficio di Piano plans and coordinate the implementation of social care measures and it develops proposals which have to be evaluated by political bodies.



Кои сме ние
ЕВРОПА ДИРЕКТНО в Стара Загора е член на мрежата ЕВРОПА ДИРЕКТНО в България, която от своя страна е част от група центрове EUROPE DIRECT, разположени в цяла Европа. Благодарение на тези центрове гражданите имат достъп до Европа и могат да участват в дебати за бъдещето на ЕС. Мрежата се ръководи от Европейската комисия.

Можете да ни задавате въпроси за политиките, програмите и приоритетите на ЕС и да се включите в мероприятия за бъдещето на ЕС.

Освен това посещаваме училищата, където правим презентации, организираме дискусии за ЕС и осигуряваме официални публикации.

Предоставяните от нас услуги са безплатни за участващите граждани.

Имайте предвид, че не предлагаме правни консултации, нито тълкуване на законодателството на ЕС.

За да получите повече информация за центровете в държавите — членки на ЕС, включително в България, щракнете тук.

Свържете се с нас


Адрес: ул. „Ген. Столетов“ №127

Телефон: 042 605 007


Работно време

Понеделник -четвъртък: 09:00-12:30 / 13:30-18:00

Петък: 9:00-12:30 / 13:30-17:00

Социални медии





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Едно от най-успешните издания на Европа Директно – Стара Загора, създадено от колегите ни от Мадрид, също се нуждаеше от промяна, за да влезе в крак с новите условия. Отново с помощта на Европа Директно – Мадрид, екипът ни обнови „Познавате ли природата на Европейския съюз?" и я предоставя за свободен достъп за всички електронни четци. Приятно забавление! Изтеглете книгата в различни формати за електронни устройства:

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