WIDER Innovation Fair has been conceived as a formidable opportunity to strengthen the transnational cooperation between research, development and innovation centres, intermediary bodies, public entities, end-user representatives and -mostly- businesses and MSMEs related to the eco-smart housing for independent living of an aging population in seven MED areas.
The participation is free, subject only to limited number of posts. For registration please refer to the project website (www.wider-project.eu ).
We, the Project Partner CEI, offer the opportunity to a few selected public sector institutions from CEI Member States, whose activities are relevant to the project subjects, to participate in the event at no expense, i.e. through the project budget. Should you be interested and qualified, please send us a brief Company Profile (max. 1 page), including a couple of paragraphs explaining how your activities are related to the project subjects and why you would benefit from taking part in the WIDER Innovation Fair.
Please act quickly as there are just a very few opportunities of this sort and they will be offered on a first-come first-served basis (among eligible candidates, of course).